Wolf Media Festival Rules

Film Submissions

General Eligibility

Film Duration
  • Feature - A feature film must be a minimum of 40 minutes with no limitation on length.
  • Short - A short film must be a minimum of 5 minutes and no longer than 40 minutes
  • Web/Series – A web film must be a minimum of 8 minutes and no longer than 30 minutes.
Completion Date

Film must have been completed within 12 months of submission date, film must be completed in full, no partial films or concepts, they will be rejected without refund.

Premiere Status

No previous premiere required. Your submission does not need to be premiered at our festival.


Films must be in English or have English subtitles.

Previous Screenings

Films that have been screened publicly and/or online previously are eligible for submission but will not be eligible for audience choice awards. Film cannot play or premiere at another festival within 90 days of Wolf Media Festival Screenings (monthly and yearly). Films also cannot be screened or premiered at another festival within the state of Florida within 12 months of submission. If accepted this must be an exclusive screening for this area. You may still submit for nomination, but your film will not be included in the in-person screenings list.

Submission Requirements

Entry Form

All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Project.

Submission Fee

Submission fees are administered per film entry, per main category. Your entry will automatically submit you into subcategories within your submission genres if your film is selected for nomination. There are two entry exceptions. If you are submitting the same film to more than 3 categories, you can select MultiChoice for a discounted fee. If you are unsure what category(s) to submit your film to, you can select “Critics Choice” and they will select up to 3 categories for your film for a separate price. Submission doesn’t guarantee a nomination.


Films must be submitted in full, via a link to a web hosting platform (youtube, vimeo, dropbox, etc.).

Press Kit

Submission requires a press kit, including a synopsis, director's statement, cast and crew information, trailer, and stills.

Content Warning

Works with explicit content should be appropriately labeled and may be subject to specific guidelines.

Rights and Clearances

Filmmakers must have all necessary rights and clearances for the content, including music and archival footage. This is especially important for screenings.

Judging and Awards

Selection Process

Initial submissions will be reviewed to ensure they meet basic eligibility criteria (genre, length, completion date etc.) A screening committee composed of industry professionals, critics, filmmakers, and festival staff will watch and evaluate eligible submission based on predetermined criteria (storytelling, cinematography, performances, originality, etc.) Films will be scored on point system, in multiple areas within the film (plot, direction, acting, technical quality, etc.) Points scale in 1-10 per area. Based on scores and feedback from the screening committee a short list will be created of submissions that will move forward in the selection process. A final jury, comprising of members in the film industry, will review the shortlist, debate merits, and make a final selection. Submissions to qualify for the current month must be submitted before the 20th day of the month. Submissions submitted after the 20th day of the month will be rolled into the following month. Submission status will be updated on the first of the following month of submission. Additionally, for a fee, whether accepted or rejected, filmmakers can request a critique of their film, including scoring and constructive criticism to aid in future projects. If your film is rejected, you are allowed to resubmit film, for a future month, only after feedback has been received and possible edits have been made. All film submissions for festival theme must be entered by March 1st 2025 to be considered for a nomination, and public screening.


All films that are selected for nomination will be promoted on various websites, as well as Wolf Media Festival website. Your film will be made viewable via streaming platform on the Wolf Media festival website. Only paying members of the streaming platform will be able to view the film, and make votes towards the film. Profits from the streaming platform go directly to the nominated film makers. If your film is already being streamed on other streaming platforms you are still eligible for our platform as well, as long as it does not go against other contracts you have. We will never take exclusive rights of your film. Nominees will also receive an affiliate code for ticket sales, so that if they chose to share our in-person annual festival the will receive payments for their efforts. It is not a requirement to share any links or sell tickets.


Monthly winners will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, and a nomination for annual award ceremony. They will also receive a discounted booth at the annual in-person festival. Having a booth is not required, but gives an opportunity to promote your film(s) and sell merchandise and more, if you so choose.

Festival winners of the year will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, a single trophy (additional trophies may be purchased by winner, at cost) a cash prizes and other items that are to be determined. Select winners will be announced at the in-person annual festival.

Screening and Exhibition


Films must be submitted in highest quality digital format in order to be screened.


Films must be available for screening during the festival dates.


Filmmakers must agree to the use of film stills and clips for promotional purposes.

Legal and Ethical Considerations


Filmmakers must warrant that their film does not infringe on any copyrights or trademarks.

Content Warning

Films with explicit content must be appropriately labeled.


The festival is not liable for any damage to submission materials during transit or screening.

Diversity and Inclusion

To qualify for consideration in a Diversity and Inclusion category, submissions must meet the following criteria:

Racial Representation

For submissions to a specific racial category, at least 51% of the film's cast and crew must belong to the racial group specified in the submission category. Additionally, the lead actor must also represent the specified racial group.

LGBTQIA2+ Representation

For LGBTQIA2+ submissions, a minimum of 20% of the cast and crew must identify as members of the LGBTQIA2+ community, including the lead actor.

Multi-Diversity Category

In the multi-diversity category, no single racial group should constitute more than 20% of the cast, ensuring a balanced representation of diverse backgrounds.

These criteria are designed to promote and celebrate diversity and inclusion within our festival's submissions, ensuring that a wide range of perspectives and experiences are represented on screen.

Game Submissions

General Eligibility

Types of video games accepted: Indie, AAA, mobile, and VR. If you have a game type that is not listed, please feel free to contact us and we will have the gaming committee determine acceptance.

Types of table top games accepted: board games, card games, party games, dice games and trivia games. If you have a game type that is not listed, please feel free to contact us and we will have the gaming committee determine acceptance.

Completion Date

We are seeking fresh and innovative games for our festival. All submissions must have been released or published within the 12 months preceding the submission date. Unreleased or unpublished games are especially encouraged and will be given priority in the selection process. For submissions that are subsequent editions of an original game, the release or publication date of the original game will be used to determine eligibility.

Submission Requirements

Entry Form

All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Project.

Submission Fee

Submission fees are administered per game entry, per main category. Your entry will automatically submit you into subcategories within your submission genres if your game is selected for nomination. There are two entry exceptions. If you are submitting the same game to more than 3 categories, you can select MultiChoice for a discounted fee. If you are unsure what category(s) to submit your game to, you can select “Critics Choice” and they will select up to 3 categories for your game for a separate price. Submission doesn’t guarantee a nomination.


Please submit a video of game playthrough via a link to a web hosting platform (youtube, vimeo, dropbox, etc.), along with a PDF digital copy of the rule book. Game playthrough must show an example of each rule being describe in game play. If selected for nomination, we will request a digital download or playable demo of your game.

Press Kit

Submission requires a press kit, including a synopsis and game images.

Content Warning

Works with explicit content should be appropriately labeled and may be subject to specific guidelines.

Rights and Clearances

Studios must have all necessary rights and clearances for the content, including music and gameplay footage.

Judging and Awards

Selection Process

Judging criteria includes gameplay, narrative, art and design, creativity, engagement , audio, technical execution, rule clarity, replayability, innovation, and adherence to the category.

Initial submission will be reviewed to ensure they meet basic eligibility criteria (genre, date of release etc. ). A gaming committee composed of industry professions, critics, and festival staff – potentially including children - will evaluate eligible submission based on predetermined criteria.

Boardgame submissions will be scored on a point system, points range 1 - 10. Based on scores and feedback from the gaming committee a short list will be created of submissions that will move forward in the selection process. A final jury, will review the shortlist, debate merits and make a final selection.


All games that are selected for nomination will be promoted on various websites, as well as Wolf Media Festival website. Nominees will also receive an affiliate code for ticket sales, so that if they chose to share our in-person annual festival the will receive payments for their efforts. It is not a requirement to share any links or sell tickets.


Monthly winners will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, and a nomination for annual award ceremony. They will also receive a discounted booth at the annual in-person festival. Having a booth is not required, but gives an opportunity to promote your project(s) and sell merchandise and more, if you so choose.

Festival winners of the year will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, a single trophy (additional trophies may be purchased by winner, at cost), cash prizes and other items that are to be determined. Select winners will be announced at the in-person annual festival.

Legal and Ethical Considerations


Studios must warrant that their game does not infringe on any copyrights or trademarks.

Content Warning

Games with explicit content must be appropriately labeled.


The festival is not liable for any damage to submission materials during transit or play testing.

Literary Submissions

General Eligibility

Completion Date

Submissions must be the original work of the submitting author, written and completed within the last 12 months of submission, at this time we are only accepting submissions of unpublished and self - published works.

Submission Requirements

Entry Form

All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Project.

Submission Fee

Submission fees are administered per game entry, per main category. Your entry will automatically submit you into subcategories within your submission genres if your literary work is selected for nomination. There are two entry exceptions. If you are submitting the same literary work to more than 3 categories, you can select MultiChoice for a discounted fee. If you are unsure what category(s) to submit your literary work to, you can select “Critics Choice” and they will select up to 3 categories for your literary work for a separate price. Submission doesn’t guarantee a nomination.


Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, with numbered pages, and in a standard readable font (e.g., Times New Roman, 12-point). To ensure a fair and blind review process, the author's name must not appear on the manuscript itself.

Press Kit

Submission requires a press kit, including a synopsis and literary work images.

Content Warning

Works with explicit content should be appropriately labeled and may be subject to specific guidelines.

Rights and Clearances

Authors must have all necessary rights and clearances for the content, including literary works and images.

Judging and Awards

Selection Process

Initial submission will be reviewed to ensure they meet basic eligibility criteria (genre, length, completion date etc.) A literary committee composed of industry professions, critics, author s, and festival staff will read and evaluate eligible submission based on predetermined criteria (storytelling, originality, world building etc.) Literary submissions will be scored on a point system, points range 1 - 10 (originality, voice, thematic depth, literary merit). Based on scores and feedback from the literary committee a short list will be created of submissions that will move forward in the selection process.

A final jury, comprising of members in the literary industry, will review the shortlist, debate merits and make a final selection. Submissions to qualify for current month must be submitted before 20th day of the month. Submissions submitted after the 20th day of the month will be rolled into the following month. Submission status will be updated on the first of the following month of submission.

Additionally, for a fee, whether accepted or rejected, authors can request a critique of their literary submissions, including scoring and constructive criticism to aid in future projects. If your literary submission is rejected, you are allowed to resubmit it, for a following month, only after feedback has been received and possible edits have been made.


All literary submission that are selected for nomination will be promoted on various websites, as well as Wolf Media Festival website. If your work is available for purchase via online platform, we will also promote your purchasing link. However, it cannot be via TikTok shop at this time, a s it will interfere with TikTok nominations. Nominees will also receive an affiliate code for ticket sells, so that if they chose to share our in-person annual festival they will receive payments for their efforts. It is not a requirement to share any links or sell tickets.


Monthly winners will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, and a nomination for annual award ceremony. They will also receive a discounted booth at the annual in-person festival. Having a booth is not required, but gives an opportunity to promote your project(s) and sell merchandise and more, if you so choose.

Festival winners of the year will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, a single trophy (additional trophies may be purchased by winner, at cost), cash prizes and other items that are to be determined. Select winners will be announced at the in-person annual festival.

Legal and Ethical Considerations


Authors retain copyright of their work but may need to grant the festival non-exclusive rights to publish or showcase winning entries.

Reproduction Rights

Literary submissions that have been selected for nomination may be reproduced by the festival to use in marketing and promotional material. Any profits made in this reproduction will be given to the author, and/or illustrators.

Content Warning

Literary works with explicit content must be appropriately labeled.


Submissions must be the author's own work. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification.

AI Generated Literature

Submissions will be ran through a program to check if AI was used in the process of creating your work. AI is permitted for use, but must be used less than 5% throughout the entirety of the work.

Photography Submissions

General Eligibility

Completion Date

Submissions must be the original work of the submitting person completed within the last 12 months of submission.

Submission Requirements

Entry Form

All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Project.

Submission Fee

Submission fees are administered per game entry, per main category. Your entry will automatically submit you into subcategories within your submission genres if your photography is selected for nomination. There are two entry exceptions. If you are submitting the same photograph to more than 3 categories, you can select MultiChoice for a discounted fee. If you are unsure what category(s) to submit your photography to, you can select “Critics Choice” and they will select up to 3 categories for your photography for a separate price. Submission doesn’t guarantee a nomination.


Digital Submissions must be submitted as a JPEG file, however if photois selected for nomination a RAW, TIFF, BMP, or PNG may be requested.

Captions and Descriptions

A brief caption or description for each photograph, detailing the subject, location, and any relevant context is required per photo submission.

Press Kit

Submission requires a press kit, including a synopsis and images.

Content Warning

Works with explicit content should be appropriately labeled and may be subject to specific guidelines.

Rights and Clearances

Authors must have all necessary rights and clearances for the content, including literary works and images.

Judging and Awards

Selection Process

Initial submission will be reviewed to ensure they meet basic eligibility criteria (genre, file size, completion date etc.) A photography committee composed of industry professions, critics, photographers, and festival staff will read and evaluate eligible submission based on predetermined criteria (e.g., creativity, technical excellence, composition, artistic merit). Photography submissions will be scored on a point system, points range 1-10. Based on scores and feedback from the photography committee a short list will be created of submissions that will move forward in the selection process.

A final jury, comprising of members in the photography industry, will review the shortlist, debate merits and make a final selection. Submissions to qualify for current month must be submitted before 20th day of the month. Submissions submitted after the 20th day of the month will be rolled into the following month. Submission status will be updated on the first of the following month of submission.


Monthly winners will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, and a nomination for annual award ceremony. They will also receive a discounted booth at the annual in-person festival. Having a booth is not required, but gives an opportunity to promote your project(s) and sell merchandise and more, if you so choose.

Festival winners of the year will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, a single trophy (additional trophies may be purchased by winner, at cost), cash prizes and other items that are to be determined. Select winners will be announced at the in-person annual festival.

Exhibition and Usage Rights


Monthly winners with be exhibited at the annual festival. Monthly nominations will be exhibited online via the Wolf Media Festival website, as well as social media platforms.

Usage Rights

Photographers retain copyright of their images but may need to grant the festival non-exclusive rights to use the images for promotional purposes or in a festival catalog. Submissions that have been selected for nomination may be reproduced by the festival to use in marketing and promotional material. Any profits made in this reproduction will be given to the photographer.

Legal and Ethical Considerations


At this time, this is only a photography competition, not a photoshop skills or AI generations skills contest, with that said NO AI manipulation will be accepted in photo submissions. Minor adjustments including color correction, brightness, contrast, sharpening, and noise reduction are permitted. Cropping is allowed but should not remove a significant portion of the image. Removal of dust spots or minor elements that do not alter the content of the image is permitted.

Subtle skin retouching on portr aits is acceptable, but it should not significantly alter the person's appearance.

The use of High Dynamic Range (HDR) techniques and exposure blending is allowed, provided it does not substantially alter the original scene. The result should maintain a natural appearance and not be overly tonemapped or unrealistic.

Adding or removing key elements of the composition is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, adding, moving or removing objects, animals, or parts of animals, plants, people, structures, vehicles, etc.

Dramatic filters and effects that alter the reality of the image are prohibited. Images must be edited ethically and in good taste. Scenes should not be manipulated in a way that is misleading or deceptive.

Photographers must obtain and submit releases for individuals represented in their photograph if the individual is identifiable.

Wildlife photographs should not show baited animals or scenes that put the animal in harm’s way.

No borders, watermarks or signatures allowed. Your image(s) will be automatically disqualified if these elements are included.

Participants may be required to provide unedited images and details of the editing process upon request.

Failure to comply with these rules or to provide the original files when asked will lead to disqualification from the contest.

Podcast Submissions

General Eligibility

Completion Date

Submissions must be the original work of the submitting podcaster and completed within the last 12 months of submission.

Submission Requirements

Entry Form

All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Project.

Submission Fee

Submission fees are administered per podcast entry, per main category. Your entry will automatically submit you into subcategories within your submission genres if your podcast is selected for nomination. There are two entry exceptions. If you are submitting the same podcast to more than 3 categories, you can select MultiChoice for a discounted fee. If you are unsure what category(s) to submit your podcast to, you can select “Critics Choice” and they will select up to 3 categories for your podcast for a separate price. Submission doesn’t guarantee a nomination.


Podcast must be submitted as a link to the episode being considered for awards.

Press Kit

Submission requires a press kit, including a synopsis and images of the podcast.

Content Warning

Works with explicit content should be appropriately labeled and may be subject to specific guidelines.

Rights and Clearances

Submitter must have all necessary rights and clearances for the content, including podcast works and images.

Judging and Awards

Selection Process

Initial submission will be reviewed to ensure they meet basic eligibility criteria (genre, length). An audio committee composed of industry professions, critics, podcasters, and festival staff will evaluate eligible submission based on predetermined criteria (e.g., creativity, technical excellence, composition, artistic merit). Podcast submissions will be scored on a point system, points range 1-10. Based on scores and feedback from the audio, committee a short list will be created of submissions that will move forward in the selection process. A final jury, comprising of members in the podcast industry, will review the shortlist, debate merits and make a final selection.

Submissions to qualify for current month must be submitted before 20th day of the month. Submissions submitted after the 20th day of the month will be rolled into the following month. Submission status will be updated on the first of the following month of submission.

Additionally, for a fee, whether accepted or rejected, authors can request a critique of their submissions, including scoring and constructive criticism to aid in future projects. If your podcast submission is rejected, you are allowed to resubmit it, for a following month, only after feedback has been received and possible edits have been made.


All podcast submission that are selected for nomination will be promoted on various websites, as well as Wolf Media Festival website. If your work is available for purchase via online platform, we will also promote your purchasing link. However, it cannot be via TikTok shop at this time, as it will interfere with TikTok nominations. Nominees will also receive an affiliate code for ticket sales, so that if they chose to share our in-person annual festival they will receive payments for their efforts. It is not a requirement to share any links or sell tickets.


Monthly winners will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, and a nomination for annual award ceremony. They will also receive a discounted booth at the annual in-person festival. Having a booth is not required, but gives an opportunity to promote your projects(s) and sell merchandise and more, if you so choose.

Festival winners of the year will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, a single trophy (additional trophies may be purchased by winner, at cost), cash prizes and other items that are to be determined. Select winners will be announced at the in-person annual festival.

Legal and Ethical Considerations


Podcast creators retain copyright of their work but may need to grant the festival non-exclusive rights to use excerpts for promotional purposes.

Distribution Rights

Submissions that have been selected for nomination may be reproduced by the festival to use in marketing and promotional material. Any profits made in this reproduction will be given to the podcast.

Content Warning

Podcasts with explicit content must be appropriately labeled.

Social Media Submissions

General Eligibility

Completion Date

Submissions must be the original work of the submitting social media user and completed within the last 12 months of submission.

Submission Requirements

Entry Form

All submissions must be accompanied by a completed Project.

Submission Fee

Submission fees are administered per social media video entry, per main category. Your entry will automatically submit you into subcategories within your submission genres if your social media video is selected for nomination. There are two entry exceptions. If you are submitting the same social media video to more than 3 categories, you can select MultiChoice for a discounted fee. If you are unsure what category(s) to submit your social media video to, you can select “Critics Choice” and they will select up to 3 categories for your social media video for a separate price. Submission doesn’t guarantee a nomination.


Social media video must be submitted as a link to the post being considered for awards.

Press Kit

Submission requires a press kit, including a synopsis and images of the social media video.

Content Warning

Works with explicit content should be appropriately labeled and may be subject to specific guidelines.

Rights and Clearances

Submitter must have all necessary rights and clearances for the content, including social media works and images.

Judging and Awards

Selection Process

Initial submission will be reviewed to ensure they meet basic eligibility criteria (genre, length). An audio committee composed of industry professions, critics, social media influencers, and festival staff will evaluate eligible submission based on predetermined criteria (e.g., creativity, technical excellence, composition, artistic merit). Social media submissions will be scored on a point system, points range 1-10. Based on scores and feedback from the audio, committee a short list will be created of submissions that will move forward in the selection process. A final jury, comprising of members in the social media industry, will review the shortlist, debate merits and make a final selection.

Submissions to qualify for current month must be submitted before 20th day of the month. Submissions submitted after the 20th day of the month will be rolled into the following month. Submission status will be updated on the first of the following month of submission.

Additionally, for a fee, whether accepted or rejected, authors can request a critique of their submissions, including scoring and constructive criticism to aid in future projects. If your social media submission is rejected, you are allowed to resubmit it, for a following month, only after feedback has been received and possible edits have been made.


All submissions that are selected for nomination will be promoted on various websites, as well as Wolf Media Festival website. If your work is available for purchase via online platform, we will also promote your purchasing link. Nominees will also receive an affiliate code for ticket sales, so that if they chose to share our in-person annual festival they will receive payments for their efforts. It is not a requirement to share any links or sell tickets.


Monthly winners will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, and a nomination for annual award ceremony. They will also receive a discounted booth at the annual in-person festival. Having a booth is not required, but gives an opportunity to promote your projects(s) and sell merchandise and more, if you so choose.

Festival winners of the year will receive digital laurel, certificate mailed to them, announcement on festival website, as well as social media, a single trophy (additional trophies may be purchased by winner, at cost), cash prizes and other items that are to be determined. Select winners will be announced at the in-person annual festival.

Legal and Ethical Considerations


Creators retain copyright but may need to grant non-exclusive rights for promotional use.

Distribution Rights

By entering, creators agree to have their videos shared or promoted by the festival.

Content Warning

Social media videos with explicit content must be appropriately labeled.