Wolf Media Fest 2025 Vendors

April 18-20 at the Melbourne Hilton, 200 Rialto Pl, Melbourne, FL 32901

Want to show off your awesome project? Are you a master crafter looking to sell your wares? Check out our trade room floor below!

Please read before submitting

All booths require approval from Wolf Media Fest staff. Check out the Booth Types and Discounts buttons to verify you qualify. Submitting this form does not guarantee approval.

Below the form you can find a map of the trade floor and the corresponding booths available for purchase.

If you have images of prior booth setups, please include up to 5. This will expedite approval from our staff.

Booth Types
Author's Alley

Dimensions: 6x5, Price: $200.00

A 6 ft by 5 ft booth, offered to vendors selling and promoting their writings. Cannot sell, or promote other items. Includes 2 general admission tickets (one for the author, and one for an author's helper). Authors who have submitted a project to WOLF MEDIA FESTIVAL receive a 75% discount on this booth. Contact admin@wolfmediafest.com if you have not received your discount code. Limited booths available, subject to availability. **Pending approval as the venue limits some items or topics

Inline Booth

Dimensions: 8x8, Price: $250.00

An 8 ft by 8 ft inline booth. Available to all. If you are a crafter who creates their own works (no sales of non-self-crafted items), or vendors whose items related to the festival theme: Film, photography, podcast, game creator, writers, content creators. You qualify for a 50% discount on this booth type. If you have submitted to the festival competition and have been nominated, you receive a 75% discount on this booth type. If you have not already received your discount code, please contact admin@wolfmediafest.com. **Pending approval as the venue limits some items or topics Limited booths available, subject to availability.

Deluxe Corner Booth

Dimensions: 8x8, Price: $350.00

An 8 ft by 8 ft Corner booth. (Twice the table space). Available to all. If you are a crafter who creates their own works (no sales of non-self-crafted items), or vendors whose items related to the festival theme: Film, photography, podcast, game creator, writers, content creators. You qualify for a 50% discount on this booth type. If you have submitted to the festival competition and have been nominated, you receive a 75% discount on this booth type. If you have not already received your discount code, please contact admin@wolfmediafest.com. Limited booths available, subject to availability. **Pending approval as the venue limits some items or topics.

Supreme Corner Booth

Dimensions: 8x8, Price: $400.00

This is an 8 ft by 8 ft corner booth, placed at the front of the exhibit hall, with high traffic and visibility. Available to all. If you are a crafter who creates their own works (no sales of non-self-crafted items), or vendors whose items related to the festival theme: Film, photography, podcast, game creator, writers, content creators. You qualify for a 50% discount on this booth type. If you have submitted to the festival competition and have been nominated, you receive a 75% discount on this booth type. If you have not already received your discount code, please contact admin@wolfmediafest.com. Limited booths available, subject to availability. **Pending approval as the venue limits some items or topics.

Ultimate Inline Booth

Dimensions: 8x8, Price: $600.00

This is an 8 ft by 8 ft inline booth, placed in our highest foot-trafficked area, with high visibility (near the celebrity booths) Available to all. If you are a vendors whose items related to the festival theme: Film, photography, podcast, game creator, writers, content creators. You qualify for 50% discount on this booth type. If you have submitted to the festival competition and have been nominated, you receive a 75% discount on this booth type. If you have not already received your discount code, please contact admin@wolfmediafest.com. Limited booths available, subject to availability. **Pending approval as the venue limits some items or topics.

Ultimate Corner Booth

Dimensions: 8x8, Price: $800.00

This is an 8 ft by 8 ft corner booth (twice the table space), placed in our highest foot-trafficked area, with high visibility (near the celebrity booths) Available to all. If you are a vendors whose items related to the festival theme: Film, photography, podcast, game creator, writers, content creators. You qualify for a 50% discount on this booth type. If you have submitted to the festival competition and have been nominated, you receive a 75% discount on this booth type. If you have not already received your discount code, please contact admin@wolfmediafest.com. Limited booths available, subject to availability. **Pending approval as the venue limits some items or topics.

Grand Entrance Corner Booth

Dimensions: 8x8, Price: $1,000.00

This is an 8 ft by 8 ft Corner booth (twice the table space), placed in our highest foot-trafficked area, with the highest visibility outside the exhibitors hall, near the entrance doors. These booths will be seen by 100% of guests and attendees. Available to all. No discounts available for this booth. Limited booths available, subject to availability. **Pending approval as the venue limits some items or topics

No Discount

Discount: 0%

No discounts apply to you.

Festival Theme

Discount: 50%

If you are a vendors whose items related to the festival theme: film, photography, podcast, game creator, writers, content creators. You qualify for 50% discount on this booth type. (Excludes Grand Entrance booths).

Master Crafter

Discount: 50%

If you are a crafter who creates their own works (no sales of non-self-crafted items), you qualify for 50% discount (excluding Grand Entrance booths).

Black Friday

Discount: 75%

November 28-30. Applicable to all booth types .


Discount: 75%

If you have submitted to the festival competition and have been won an award, you receive a 75% discount on this booth type. (Excluding Grand Entrance booths)